There is something about mass chaddi baniyan brands. All of them are owned by Agarwal Marwari families.
All of them hail from Kolkata. And all of them use Bollywood hunks to promote
their mass brands. I am talking about Rupa, Lux, Dollar and Amul.

Now tell me a Bollywood hunk not in the above list and willing
to go bare? Actually there is none. Else my guess is Amul Macho may not have
gone for Tiger. While the star has a good body, he seems to be a misfit when the
brand that we are trying to sell is “Macho”. Siddharth Malhotra and Shahid are hunks all
right but I doubt they will go bare for chaddi
baniyan brands. Ranbir Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor will not look good in vests.
So here is our Bollywood industry, with so many studs, not able to keep up with
the demand of this category.
While one may think that other categories are as competitive,
you might be surprised to know that even in a super competitive, full of
celebrity endorsed, mobile handset market, top A listers such as Deepika, Priyanka
and Alia are not endorsing any brands at the moment!
Be it a brand extension, new product range or the marketing
strategy of hiring hunky celebs, the competition is brutal amongst these Marwaris.
Hence, everything is closely watched, fiercely guarded and yet shamelessly plagiarized.
All these brands cater to middle India males and popular hunks
makes sense as brand ambassadors. However I wonder if a good story line
showcased Priyanka wearing a ganjee saying Ye andar ki baat hai! The TG may not object
I reckon. Don’t know about the Marwaris though!